Showing posts with label Lifestyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lifestyle. Show all posts

Recipe: Overnight Oats

If you are looking for an easy, healthy breakfast then this is for you. The hardest part is remembering to prepare the oats the night before. The key is to have very ripe bananas. Overnight oats are nutritious, filling and are particularly good for the fourth trimester (especially if you are breastfeeding).


-1 very ripe banana
- 1/2  cup  of rolled oats
- Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk
- 1/2 tbsp Vanilla
- Maple Syrup


1. Mash banana in a bowl until there are no clumps.
2. Add rolled oats and mix.
3. Add almond milk just so that it covers the oats and banana.
4. Add vanilla and mix.
5. Keep it in the fridge overnight.
6. Add maple syrup and mix before eating.

Baby Fever

I have baby fever in a big way. I also don’t intend to have a baby anytime soon.

I know I have baby fever for a few reasons. For one, I get a pit in my stomach every time I come across a baby announcement (which feels like every day on Instagram). I remember this feeling when I was ready to get engaged and I would hear about other people’s proposal stories. You are so happy for the person, but are also secretly insanely jealous.  Moreover, I find myself making an effort to be around babies. I’m constantly at my good friend's apartment hanging with her one year old. I’m the girl on the plane being extra helpful to moms and their babies. I’m asking everyone I meet in LA who seems similar enough to me who their doctor is, whether they had a night nurse, if they have a nanny etc. And I’m trying to figure out a timeline of when I should go off birth control, when I should start trying etc. I’ve even gone off some medication because I want to start detoxifying my body. I never really thought about any of this until this year.

I also know I am nowhere near ready to have a kid. For one, we simply cannot afford it. The move to LA was really difficult on us financially. Plus living in this city is so expensive. We are now just comfortable the two us, there is no way I could raise a kid and live the same standard of living I really want. Moreover, my career is nowhere near where I want it to be. Plus having a full-time job and running a blog is 24/7, where could I fit in a kid? Lastly, I think I like the idea of having a kid more than actually having one at this moment. I really like my life right now. I love spending time with my hubby. I love my jobs. I love my workout routines. I love being able to get up and travel at any moments notice. I’m happy. And I’m not sure I’m actually ready for such a significant change.

So why am I writing this? To be honest, I’m not actually sure. I guess it can feel very isolating to have this feeling and I’m wondering if others go through it (and just don’t talk about it). It’s this intense baby fever but also an intense feeling of not wanting a baby any time soon (I know this is completely contradictory and doesn’t really make sense). Sometimes I feel like you need to go through this stage before having a baby. It’s like how they say you have your whole pregnancy to actually prepare for being a parent and the changes that come (physically, emotionally, etc.) I feel like this time is preparing me for getting ready to start trying.

I know that you’re all probably wondering how long it will be until we start trying. The truth is I have no idea. But it definitely won’t be this year and realistically probably not the next. But who knows, maybe I’ll wake up one day and the baby fever will far outweigh any concerns or feeling of not being ready I might have. 

My Favorite Essential Oils

I joked on Instagram today how essential oils get me through life. While it's a bit of an exaggeration, I do make them part of my daily routine and they definitely have a positive impact on my mental state. My mom introduced me to lavender oil when I was young to help reduce my anxiety. She would tell me to put it in my bath and even place a few drops on my pillowcase at night. Over the years I've tried different oils and have found which ones I consistently reach for, and which I can do without.

Getting into essential oils can be overwhelming. Which ones should you use? When should you use them? Should you mix them? I thought I would share my favorite doTERRA oils and the purposes of each. It's important to buy high-quality essential oils, as they are safe and effective. For your info, I keep a diffuser in my bedroom, guest room and kitchen/dining room.

Lavender: Of course I need to start with my favorite. I use lavender every night. I place 3-4 drops in my diffuser (depending if I mix any other oils with it). As I mentioned above, I also place a drop on my pillowcase and in my bath. It helps promote a restful sleep. I will also add it to my face moisturizer. Lavender oil helps to reduce skin imperfections. I like to add it to my moisturizer when my skin is feeling dry and depleted.

Ylang Ylang: I add it to my diffuser with the lavender before bed when I want a bit of a change. It helps reduce anxiety and sadness. You can put it on your skin to help reduce inflammation. You can also put it in your hair overnight to help with damaged ends.

Clary Sage: I put this on my stomach during the time of the month to help alleviate PMS symptoms like bloating and cramping.  It also helps to normalize hormone levels. Besides getting you through the time of month (which sometimes feels like the whole month!), you can add it to your shampoo or conditioner.

Lemon: I love to add lemon to my diffuser in the kitchen when I'm cleaning up and want it to smell fresh and clean. I also add it to my dish soap and sponge in the kitchen. You can also add it to your water, which as we know is amazing for digestion.

Peppermint: My hot yoga teacher always ends class by fanning a towel with peppermint on each person. It's seriously the best feeling after a hardcore workout. When I come home from a workout I like to put it in my diffuser to have a similar effect. I also add a drop to my shower.  Lastly, you can add it to your water to help with stomach aches.

Bergamot: My favorite scent for the living room when I get home from work. It's both uplifting and calming. It's also a good background scent, if you know what I mean.

Frankincense: This is another great one for the living room in the afternoon. It's also a great scent when you want to meditate or relax. It helps to reduce heart rate and high blood pressure. It has anti-aging benefits so it's great to add to your nighttime face moisturizer.

Rose: There is nothing like the smell of roses. I apply this to my palms before bed. It's clean and has a pretty smell, without being overpowering (which is perfect when you're sleeping in bed with someone else).

Blue Tansy: One of my favorite face masks is a blue tansy mask, so I wanted to go straight to the source if you know what I mean. It's found in a lot of high-end skincare products. It helps diminish the appearance of blemishes and soothes skin irritation.

Melaleuca (Tea Tree): A classic, tea tree oil is great for acne, your hair and dry cuticles. You can also add it to your cleaning supplies.

This kit is great if you are just starting out and want to try a variety of oils.

Mint Vodka Limeade Cocktail

I've decided to start a new series! If you're anything like me, you freeze when the bartender asks you what you want to drink. I avoid drinks that are too sweet, since they are loaded with calories and give you the worst hangover. But I get so bored of just getting a glass of wine or prosecco. In this series I'm going to share easy to make, low-calorie drinks. These drinks are not rocket science. But for some reason, I never think to order them or to make them.  They're great to make when you have company and you can definitely order them in a restaurant or bar.

Mint Vodka Limeade Cocktail


  • Handful of fresh mint
  • 2 limes
  • Vodka (as little or as much as you want)
  • Ice
  • Water
  • Honey (optional)
What to do:
  • Fill half a cup with ice 
  • Add water until it is 3/4 full
  • Add juice from 1 1/2 limes
  • Cut the other 1/2 of the lime into thin pieces to place in the drink and as a garnishment
  • Add handful of fresh mint leaves 
  • Add 1-2 shots of Vodka (or tequila, if you would prefer) 
  • Add 1 teaspoon of honey if you would prefer it to be sweet
  • Stir and enjoy!

The Coffee Lowdown

In Monday's Instagram post I mentioned that my doctors suggest I drink no more than 1 cup of coffee a day. I think in an ideal world they would prefer that I cut caffeine out of my diet entirely, but I don't think Ray or Luca would ever forgive them if I tried. I should mention that I have anxiety and also get cystic acne. Apparently coffee doesn't help either...who knew ;). Anyway, after doing some research I figured I would share with you my findings of the pros and cons of caffeine. But, let's be honest, I do not expect you to cut it out cold turkey. I wish I could but it'll never happen.

The Pros of Caffeine 

  • It can relieve fatigue (duh)
  • It could reduce the risk of Alzheimer's and Dementia 
  • It lowers the risk of stroke for older women
  • Studies say it can lead to a longer life (maybe the cystic acne isn't that bad then...)
  • It can reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes
  • My own experience: It keeps me regular (TMI)

The Cons of Caffeine
  • It increases anxiety (the main reason I should cut it out)
  • It can interact poorly with other medication you are on
  • It is highly acidic= heartburn
  • Can lead to stomach aches
  • If you suffer from IBS or other stomach-related issues, could be a nono
  • It can affect your blood sugar levels and thus elevate stress hormones which can trigger inflammation in the body (aka not good for acne, especially cystic acne). 
  • It can also dehydrate your body which is bad for your skin, especially when you have acne

So what do you do with this information? I'm not really sure! I know for me I'm trying realllyy hard to limit my coffee to one cup a day. I recently asked a dermo about green tea as an alternative. While she did say it's better than coffee, it still has a lot of caffeine. I'm going to try and replace my afternoon coffee with interesting drink alternatives, like this pin detox one or this turmeric-ginger drink. 

Curry Vegetable Brown Rice Bowl

I don't cook very often. I mean, I do cook sometimes. But generally, my dishes are super bland and boring (aka no one wants to eat them but me). This year I've decided to try and experiment in the kitchen more. After all, I will have kids one day and I have to master a couple of dishes by then. Last night Ray felt like a curry so I thought this was the perfect opportunity to cook something new for me. And it came out really good! I added chicken for Ray and shrimp for me. See the recipe below. P.S. sorry for my extremely ugly kitchen countertops. We rent, so there is nothing we can do about it.


  • 1 cup of brown rice
  • 1 teaspoons of earth balance or olive oil
  • 1 sweet white onion, diced
  • Pinch of salt 
  • 2 inches of fresh ginger, grated
  • 3 cloves of garlic, sliced thinly
  • 2 peppers (any color you would like), cut in thin strips
  • A couple of carrots, peeled and diced thinly
  • 3 tablespoons of red curry paste
  • 1 can of light coconut milk (if you want it to be creamier/thicker, use regular coconut milk)
  • 2 1/2 cups of water
  • 2 cups of kale, cut into small pieces
  • 1 cup of broccoli, cut into small florets 
  • 1 cup of cauliflower, cut into small florets
  • 1 teaspoon of brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons of tamari
  • 2 tablespoons of rice wine vinegar
  • 6 shrimp
  • 1 lemon

  1. Rice: Start by making the rice, since it takes the longest to cook. Boil 2 cups of water. Add a pinch of salt. Add 1 teaspoon of earth balance or olive oil to the boiling water. Add 1 cup of brown rice and reduce to a simmer. Cook for 30-45 minutes. Once cooked through, remove from heat and fluff rice with a fork.
  2. Curry: Heat a pan and add olive oil. When hot, add diced onions. Cook for 5 minutes or until the onion is transparent. Add ginger and garlic. Cook for a minute. Add cauliflower and broccoli. Mix and cook for 5 minutes. Add pepper and carrots. Let cook for another 3-5 minutes. Add curry paste and stir for two minutes. Add coconut milk, 1/2 cup of water, sugar and kale. Stir consistently and let cook for 15 minutes (I like my veggies more well done). Remove from heat and add tamari and rice wine vinegar. Garnish with cilantro and add sriracha for spice. 
  3. Shrimp: Drizzle lemon on shrimp. Add a pinch of salt and pepper. Heat pan with olive oil. When the pan is hot, add shrimp. Cook for 2-3 minutes on each side.
  4. Chicken:  Can't help you there! I'm not that good yet, haha. We bought premade chicken from the grocery store. 
  5. Place brown rice in a bowl. Layer with shrimp, chicken, or any other protein. Top with curry. Enjoy with a glass of vino!

2018 Intentions

This year, like a lot of people, I decided to set out intentions rather than resolutions for the new year. Halfway through December I was feeling pretty down on myself. As a Type A perfectionist, I can't help but feel overwhelmed by all of the resolutions I didn't achieve that year. That feeling overshadows the progress I made. It's not healthy. So I decided to move on from 2017 and start focusing on 2018. I drafted a post on my 2018 resolutions and it didn't sit well with me (hence why I am posting in the new year). I started doing some research and came across articles about setting intentions rather than resolutions. That's exactly what I was looking for. 

An intention is a guiding principle to manifest what you want. The best part of an intention is there's no expectation attached to it (and therefore, less chance of disappointment by the end of the year). I firmly believe in the power of positive thinking and constantly remind myself to set my intentions for the day, week, month, or year. To be honest, it is difficult to step away from the notion that with the new year comes goals and resolutions (not just intentions). But overall, I think it will be healthier and lead to a more productive year. 

1. Live in the Present (and ignore baby fever) 

I thought I would start with this one since we get asked all of the time. I guess it comes with our age (I’m 29 and Ray is 32) and the fact that we’ve been married for 3 ½ years. I won’t lie, when I was in Montreal I was pretty surprised to see that so many people I know were pregnant, trying to get pregnant or already had children. Even my Instagram feed is filled with baby announcements. It made me think for a few seconds “should I be pregnant right now?”

We’ve been talking about when we’re going to have kids more often lately. But we’re not ready yet. Moving to LA definitely took a lot out of us (emotionally and financially). We want to take some time to enjoy LA (now that we no longer have to worry about visas etc.) and save money before we have kids.

So my intention for 2018 is to live in the present instead of worrying about the future. It's easy to obsess over when we'll start trying, whether it will be a challenge etc. But I don't want to have kids and think to myself I didn't take full advantage of enjoying the time with just Ray and I (and Luca, of course). 

2.     Spend Time Making Our Condo Feel Like Home

This may seem like a random one but if you have moved around a lot and haven't purchased your first home, you probably understand. Ray and I have moved four times over the past 8 years. While we are actually homeowners (we own a condo in Montreal that we rent out), all of the places we have lived in have felt temporary. I think this has to do with the fact that I knew we wouldn't be in the places long-term and therefore never invested in making them feel like home. I spent the past year making changes to the condo we rent now in LA that has really made a difference. For one, my personal style has evolved a lot and I wanted that reflected in our home decor. Secondly, I realized it was important to spend some money investing in pieces that would make our condo really feel like home. 

The first room we updated was our bedroom (see pics here and here). We then redecorated our guest room (see pics here and here). I’m currently working on my office (it’s not finished but you can see a pic here). My last project is our kitchen nook. 

My intention for this year is to invest in the present and not just wait for things in the future. I want to continue making our house feel like a home, and make it feel less temporary. The problem with thinking that a home is temporary is that you are continuously focusing on what is the next step, rather than appreciating the present circumstance. I'm obsessed with our current place and want to really enjoy it and take full advantage. 

3. Create more YouTube Content

Last month I posted my first two makeup tutorials. I’ve wanted to do them for a while but I was always too scared to. Finally, I invested in the necessary equipment and took a stab at it. I had NO clue what I was doing (aka didn’t know how to put together a tripod or even open iMovie). I somehow figured it out, got through my fear of posting them and just did it. I've received such a wonderful response from them. I intend to continue creating new video content, even when it feels scary and requires me to get out of my comfort zone (because once I do, I'm always happy I did). 

4.     Slow Down

Normally I run 5 times a week and do Pilates, spin or hot yoga once a week. The mornings I run are so rushed. Don’t get me wrong, I love it. But I think it’s equally important to spend some mornings waking up slowly, taking your time and setting a good tone for the day. I intend to spend more time nourishing my mental (as opposed to physical) health. 

5.     Spending More Time Doing LA Things

Walks on the beach, drives to Malibu, different hikes etc. It’s easy to get comfortable in your routine but I want to spend more time this year exploring LA. I intend to plan fun activities, switch things up and get out of our routine (sometimes). This weekend I've already planned a walk on the beach in Malibu and dinner at Taverna Tony. 

What's your thoughts on intentions versus resolutions? xox

She Went West Turns 1!

I truly can’t believe it’s been a year since I officially launched She Went West. For those of you who are relatively new to the blog, I’ll give you some background. For years and years I would compare my life to bloggers and complain to Ray that I wish I had pursued a creative outlet like they did. The idea that I could work with brands I love and admire, create content that’s all my own, share my life with people that wanted to follow, get free stuff at a constant (one of the best perks, I’m not going to lie), and interact every day with likeminded, creative and positive people seemed like a dream to me. So one day, three years ago, I decided that I should stop complaining and do something about it. We had recently moved to LA and I had just written the California bar. I started a blog, hired a photographer and did two shoots (with eight looks). I was ready to go! Finally! And then I landed a full-time job. Somehow I convinced myself I couldn’t do both, so I gave up the blog idea. And I can’t tell you how much I regretted it. Every so often I would say to Ray, “imagine I had started the blog x months ago, where it could be now!” And he would always tell me it’s not too late. So finally, two years later (and now a year ago), I launched She Went West.  I am so grateful that I get to say “I can’t believe what has happened in a year” rather than “imagine where the blog could have been if I launched last year.”

People ask me what took so long to get the courage to launch the blog. For one, I was really nervous what people would think of me. If you ask my photographer, I was sooo nervous shooting at the beginning. You inevitable get the stares, eye rolls and people thinking another basic b. For some reason, I cared. Something switched in my late 20s and I no longer cared what others were going to think. If they were going to judge me, that’s on them, not on me. Secondly, I thought I couldn’t be a lawyer and a blogger. To this day I try and keep those two worlds separate. But the fear wasn’t enough to stop me from launching She Went West. The real reason I finally launched was because I was so sick of hearing myself complain and not doing anything about it. One of my biggest pet peeves is people who complain and don’t take any steps to try and make it better. After all, no one was stopping me from starting a blog. I figured I might as well try.

 Overall I’m so happy with how the first year went. I collaborated with some awesome companies, like Nordstrom, Saks, Sephora and the Four Seasons. I’ve met an amazing community of girls online. And I constantly feel joy when I’m working on the brand, whether it be pitching ideas, writing posts, styling looks, editing outfits, etc.

I thought I would share 10 things I learned in my first year as a blogger (scroll down!)

1.   People will judge and then they will get over it – As I mentioned above, at first I was so nervous about people’s reactions. And it’s true; people will likely judge you at the beginning. But when you stay true to yourself, work hard and show value to your work, people’s perceptions will change (or not, and that’s there loss!). 

2.   Patience is key- I’m still learning this. Some weeks are great while others aren’t. Some days my posts will do amazing and others will fall flat. Some weeks I’ll get tons of emails for collaborations and others I won’t get any. It’s all about patience (which, truthfully, is the hardest part). I want the brand to get bigger and bigger overnight, but I know that’s not how it works. Patience and dedication is necessary to grow a successful brand.

3.   Don’t be afraid of rejection. I pitch a lot of brands. If I love something, I reach out. I’m not afraid of rejection. I get tons of no’s and tons of yes’. You never know what the outcome might be and as cliché as it sounds, you will never know unless you try. What’s the worst that they will say? Something like, “thank you for reaching out. At this time we do not have any room for collaborations.” Okay, that’s not so bad. No one will judge you for trying.

4.   It’s okay to figure it out- what does that mean exactly? Your first year is all about learning. What’s your voice like in blog posts? What’s your tone in your captions on Instagram? What does your feed like? What about home décor? Personally, my style and taste has evolved a lot over the past year. Even this week, I am making tons of changes (new blog, new editing for my feed etc.) I think it is okay to take time, figure it out and evolve. From home décor (I used to be obsessed with shabby chic and now I’m so over it), to editing (my feed used to be very bright and now I’m shifting to a more moody tone), style and taste will evolve and change.

5.   You will gain a lot of followers and lose a lot of followers- This could not be more true. And you can’t take it personally.

6.   Eventually you will shift from a hobby to something more serious- This is where I am at right now. Up until a couple of weeks ago, I still really felt like She Went West was a fun hobby. Something changed recently and I have completely shifted my vision. For one, I have started to invest in necessary equipment (using money from collaborations so I don’t have to be out of pocket). I bought a camera, lighting, tripods and I’m building a home office. It feels good to take it to the next level.

7.   Don’t compare yourself to others- OH MY GOD, this one is hard. Brutal. Scrolling through Instagram on a daily basis (it’s your job!) can make it almost impossible not to compare yourself to others. There are bloggers that seemed to have gained popularity overnight, that have such exciting collaborations, that go to such great events and that travel all the time for work. It can be extremely hard not to compare yourself and feel down about where you are. You just need to remember that nobody else is you. There may be a million bloggers out there but everyone is different and your following chooses to follow you for a reason. Just like I mentioned above, patience is key. I remember there was a week where I had amazing collaborations with brands I could have only dreamed of working with a year ago, and yet I was complaining to Ray about something regarding comparing myself to other bloggers. I had to stop myself and realize what was happening. A year ago I would have dreamed to be where I am right now. And I’m sure I’ll say the same thing this time next year.

8.   You need to invest to grow- You need to be willing to invest money to grow the brand. My tip would be to pick and choose what you invest your money in. For me, good quality photographs were key. So, at the beginning, I would just shoot clothes I’ve had for a while but spend my money on a photographer. It is only recently I’ve invested in equipment I’ve wanted for a while. Make a plan and decide what your priorities are.

9.   Some people won’t understand you- Since blogging is relatively new in the grand scheme of things, some people just won’t understand how scrolling through Instagram, commenting on people’s pictures, writing blogs and taking pictures is work. But, boy is it. It takes tons of time, hard work, creativity, patience etc. They’ll understand when they see your paychecks ;)

10. Remember why you started in the first places- On days when it’s not going so well (no collaborations, posts don’t do well, you lose followers etc.), remember why you started the blog in the first place. This always makes me feel better. Because, even if on that day the brand isn’t doing as well as I would like, I think about how far I’ve come. I would way prefer to have an off day than to have no day thinking about She Went West.

Photography by Felicia Lasala

Why I Started Drinking Turmeric Ginger Lemon Tea

When I got back from Napa I realized I needed to take a step back and focus my attention on my mind and body. For one, I had trouble sleeping in Napa. While I was on such a wonderful trip, I couldn't help but feel really anxious. I would wake up at 6:00 am with this dooming feeling, like something was going to happen or I forgot to do something important. But there was nothing. If you've been following me then you know that I have generalized anxiety. But I rarely feel this type of anxiety without something (even if it's something small) at the root of it. Moreover my skin was a mess! This lead to me feeling discouraged and exhausted. So for the past week I have taken steps to help both my mind and body. I started going back to hot yoga and hot yoga barre. I started eating primarily vegetables and protein (limiting sugar and carbs- aka no more chocolate in the house). I started drinking tons of water (infused with lemon, ginger and mint). I started taking probiotics again (Bio K is my favorite). And I started drinking turmeric ginger lemon tea at night. 

Turmeric Ginger Lemon Tea has so many health benefits. Here are a few:

  • It's a powerful anti-inflammatory (which consequently helps with joint pain, stomach aches, bloating and skin inflammation, to name a few) 
  • It's a powerful antioxidant
  • Helps reduce nausea
  • Helps with digestion
  • Reduces muscle pain and soreness
  • Helps reduce menstrual pain
  • Good for your immune system
  • Good source of potassium
  • Helps with digestion
  • Antioxidants help clear your skin  
  • Reduces inflammation
Are you sold yet? If you're like me and have a sensitive stomach, this drink is amazing to have after dinner. And it's so easy to make. There are several variations on how to make it. You could use fresh ginger and turmeric or powder.  Here is my recipe:

Makes 2 cups since 1 isn't usually enough :)
  1. Boil 2 cups of water with 1/2 tsp of turmeric powder and 1 tsp of fresh ginger (cut into pieces)
  2. Once it reaches a boil, turn off heat and cover for 5 minutes (I sometimes stir in some cinnamon at this point)
  3. Drain the liquid 
  4. Add 1/2 tsp of honey and 1-2 thin slices of lemon
  5. Enjoy!

My Bikini Diet

I know it's already August and most of you have already finished your vacations. Nevertheless, I wanted to write this post because I get so many questions about my diet. While I haven't done a post yet about my regular diet, I wanted to get this post out first, before the summer comes to an end. The diet I am about to describe is also perfect for prepping for an event, when you want to avoid the bloat and feel your best. 

Before I get into I need to state the obvious but necessary disclosure that everybody's body is different. What works for me may not work for you. It is key to try different diets and see what makes you feel and look your best. For example, I recently started following a model on Instagram. Her body is out this world. Obviously I wanted to know what her diet was asap! I stalked her blog and read what she eats in a week. Her diet consists of essentially a vegan, raw diet with tons and tons of fruit. That would not work for me. Generally, when I eat fruit I get super bloated and the amount of sugar (even natural) doesn't make me feel great. But for her it obviously works really well. So I suggest trying different diets until you find your best match. Scroll down for my bikini-ready diet. 

So this may disappoint some of you but my bikini diet does NOT involve counting calories. That simply does not work for me. Rather, my diet consists of lots of greens and healthy fats, and low carb and sugar. Depending on how strict you want to be, you should eliminate all alcohol. I wish I could say I do this but realistically, I don't. I do limit, however, how much I drink (i.e. I try to start drinking on Thursday rather than know what I mean). So here are a few examples of what I eat in a day:

  • 2 full eggs and 1 egg white (over medium), sliced avocado, green salad
  • Overnight oats (yes, I know this is a carb, but when I eat it first thing in the morning it doesn't bloat me and keeps me full.  My recipe is 1 smushed banana, 1/2 cup of oats, fill the bowl with almond milk until it just covers the oats and a splash of vanilla. 1 tsp of maple syrup is optional but I don't feel like I need it with my unsweetened vanilla almond milk)
  • Smoked salmon and a green salad
Side Note: I always have 2 cups of coffee with almond milk. Also, some people (aka most people) find it strange to have salad with breakfast. I did at the beginning and it definitely takes time to train yourself to enjoy it. But the fact is carbs (like toast) are generally included in breakfast meals and you need to replace that with something filling. 

  • Generally my lunch consists of a big green salad with a protein and avocado. Since I don't eat meat my protein of choice is usually salmon or tuna. My salad dressing is generally either olive oil, garlic powder, pink salt and pepper or olive oil, dijon mustard, lemon juice, garlic, pink salt and pepper.
  • Like lunch, my dinner is usually a protein with vegetables or a salad. If I feel like something warm, I will cook a bunch of vegetables with olive oil and garlic powder. My protein is generally fish (salmon, tuna, shrimp, white fish etc) or tofu (but I only eat tofu around once a week). 
  • Handful of walnuts
  • Peanut butter with apple or banana
  • A few slices of smoked salmon 
  • 2 hardboiled eggs (if I didn't eat eggs in the morning)
  • Drink tons of water (I am so bad about this). Add fresh mint or lemon water to keep it interesting
  • Try and eat as early as possible. I find eating by 6:30 works best for me. When I go to bed on a full stomach I tend to wake up feeling a bit bloated.  
  • Avoid sodas (I don't drink soda but I drink sparkling water which still bloats) and gum
  • If you have a sweet tooth have fruit. Yes, it is sugar but it is natural sugar and better than anything processed. Also, for me it is easier to digest on an empty stomach. 
Bottom line: Eat as much greens as you want and feel full and satisfied with healthy proteins and fats. Try and limit your carb and sugar intake and if you are going to eat carbs or sugar, do so before the early afternoon. Limit alcohol (especially 2-3 days before your event or vacation). Drink water with lemon when you wake up. Try and eat at home as much as possible (you never know what restaurants cook with and even healthy restaurants tend you use lots of salt). 

If you have any questions feel free to DM or email me! I hope you found this helpful xoxo