Showing posts with label Beauty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beauty. Show all posts

Two LED light therapy devices worth trying

I am a sucker for any serum/cream/device that claims to help reduce acne, inflammation, acne scars etc. But I'm also extremely skeptical and picky. Essentially, I mostly listen to what my esthetician, Shani Darden, teaches me. I've mentioned it before but a couple of years ago I went through a period of time where I had the worst breakouts of my entire life. Shani helped me get through them. Once we cleared up my skin, she encouraged me to try LED light therapy to help reduce any further breakouts and minimize acne scars. I reached out to Lightstim and they sent me one and I've been loving it ever since. I was recently sent the new Dr. Dennis Gross acne treatment device called the SpotLite and thought it may be helpful to compare the two devices. This post won't explain how LED therapy works, as I've already done that here. Rather, it will highlight the differences between the two devices in case you are looking to invest in one (if not both). FYI, I tend to use LED light therapy 3-4 times a week but when I have a breakout, I will use it twice a day until it goes away.

  • Size.  I had to start with the size since to me, the size is the biggest difference between the two devices. The LightStim has a larger surface area. I normally apply it in four different spots to cover my entire jawline (where I normally breakout). The Spotlite device has a much smaller surface area. The benefit of the LightStim is that you can cover more of your face, more quickly (there are 36 LEDs). The Spotlite is great to treat one specific breakout at a time and is easier to travel with. 
  • Power.  The LightStim needs to be plugged in whereas the SpotLite runs on battery. 
  • Cost.  The LightStim costs $169 whereas the SpotLite costs $52.
Overall, they're both great options and you can't go wrong. If you intend to use the device as an ongoing part of your skincare routine to kill bacteria as a way to help prevent acne and minimize acne scars then I would go with the LightStim, since it covers a larger surface area more quickly (it takes me approximately 12 minutes to cover my entire jawline for reference).  If you want it more to treat a specific breakout (like you would with an acne cream), then I would go with the SpotLite. As a reminder, these devices aren't going to perform magic. You still need a good skincare routine (read about mine here) and I suggest getting a facial a few times a year to really clean your skin. 

My Summer Holiday Makeup Look

This is the makeup look I wore every day in Europe. It doesn't require a lot of products, feels light and is super glowy- what more could you want for a summer makeup look? If you feel like you need a bit more eye situation (shadow, liner etc), do you! I just didn't feel like it. Plus I had eyelash extensions so I didn't think it was really necessary (I didn't even have to apply mascara because of the lashes, although I did in the video because they are basically all gone). xoxo


I'm back from Florida! I left on the Thursday night red-eye and came back last night. Some people think I'm crazy to fly for such a short trip, but I actually love it. While I wish I could stay longer, 2 1/2 days are actually enough for me to feel relaxed, rested and ready to get back to work. 

I'm pretty OCD about my skincare routine when I get off the plane. As you guys know, airports and planes are filthy and flying seriously dehydrates you. It's SO important to take care of your skin after a trip (especially one where you're sitting in the sun). Here is my skincare routine that I start as soon as I get home. 

LED Light Therapy For Acne

About three weeks ago I had my facial with Shani. If you guys aren't familiar with Shani, you should follow her on Instagram (click here). She offers amazing skincare tips. Unfortunately, her practice is closed but I always try and share the advice she gives me that does wonders for your skin.

Anyway, back to my last visit. As I've mentioned many times before, I suffer from cystic acne. I had it here and there in high school, but it wasn't until I turned 28 (yup, 28) that I started getting it more frequently. NOT NORMAL. I'm even on medication to try and prevent it (but it doesn't help 100%). Shani suggested that I invest in a LightStim for home. During her facials, she uses a professional size LED light therapy. The idea that I could get a mini version to use at night sounded like a dream.

Before I purchased my own I reached out to LightStim to see if they would want to collaborate. As I mentioned above, I love sharing Shani's skincare advice as it may be helpful for you guys too. LightStim sent me their LightStim for acne. I've been using it every night since I got it and so far, I'm obsessed.

Hopefully, the below answers all the questions you have about it. If you have any other questions just let me know!

How does it work? 

LightStim is an LED light therapy. It works by delivering light energy by emitting UV-free light rays that energize cells and stimulate the body's natural process to build new proteins and regenerate cells. The light has a variety of benefits, including reducing inflammation, healing the skin and destroying acne bacteria.

How does it help with acne?

As LightStim explains on their website,  acne breakouts occur when our glands produce an excess amount of oil (for me, it's right before the time of month). The excess oil clogs pores that allows bacteria to develop and grow, which can lead to acne (and if you're unlucky, like me, it leads to cystic acne deep under the skin).

The LightStim for Acne includes blue and red lights. The blue lights destroy the bacteria and the red lights reduce redness.

How do I use it?

The LightStim has a built-in 3-minute timer. You place the light directly on your skin and wait for three minutes. When the timer goes off, move the light to the next area and repeat. I generally treat my chin/jawline area, placing it in 4 different spots (so a total of 12 minutes).

My Work/Office Makeup Routine

Hey guys! Today I'm sharing my work/office makeup routine. It includes my new favorite life-changing way to apply highlighter during the day and my new favorite lip combo.

What I Do When I’m Breaking Out

It’s been really fun posting my makeup tutorials on my Instagram and Youtube channel. Surprisingly, one of the DM’s I’ve been getting a lot as a result of the videos is about my skin. People are commenting or sending me messages about how clear my skin looks. Since we all know Instagram is simply a highlight reel, my goal is to be as truthful as possible with you. My skin goes through good weeks and BAD weeks (which feel like months). You could read about my skincare story here. I still use all of the products I mentioned in that post religiously. However, when I feel like I’m about to break out (usually during that time of the month), I go right into emergency mode. I thought I would share exactly what I do to try and minimize the damage, if you know what I mean.

1.    Clean your Face EXTRA well- This may be obvious but when I feel like I’m breaking out, I’m extra good about cleaning my face. I love using the Neutrogena face wipes and then one of my normal cleansers.

2.    Exfoliate- I use my Dr. Dennis Gross peel pads. Normally I use these 1-2 times a week. When I feel like I’m breaking out I’ll use it that night. I use the regular strength and it’s sensitive enough for my skin (although if you have really sensitive skin, there is a sensitive version). It helps to exfoliate and get rid of the impurities. Your skin feels so clean afterward.

3.    Face Mask- I then apply the Herbivore Blue Tansy Mask. It’s this blue gel that has a cooling effect. The blue tansy oil is an anti-inflammatory and it soothes irritated skin and reduces redness. It also has natural beta hydroxyl that is high in salicylic acid, which is key when you feel acne coming.

4.    IS Clinical Active Serum- I raved about this in my blog post on my skincare routine and I still cannot say enough good things about it.  I apply this to my clean, exfoliated face and it always makes a difference.

5.    Apply Night Cream- At night I dab one of the following products right on the problem area….sexy, I know. But it’s necessary. If it’s a pimple I use a clay mask. Right now I’ve been using the Kiehl’s one. If it’s cystic acne that feels like it’s going to get huge, I apply cortisone (but don’t wait too long, it’s better to go to the dermo and get a cortisone shot).

Daytime Glam Makeup Routine

Hey loves! Today I'm sharing my daytime glam makeup routine. It's also my first video where I talk throughout (eeee...super nerve-wracking to post). I hope you guys like it! xox

My NYE Makeup Routine

I hope you all had a wonderful NYE! Here is my NYE makeup look, which is also perfect for a night out xoxo

My 5 Minute Makeup Routine (In 1 Minute)

I finally did it- I posted my first makeup tutorial! When I first started my Instagram I would do makeup tutorials on Insta Stories and would receive such a postive response. I figured it was time to take it to the next level. I got a camera, tripod, ring light etc. And then this past weekend I filmed this tutorial. I had NO idea what I was doing (from connecting the camera to the tripd, to editing on imovie). Somehow, I figured it out. I know there is a lot I need to improve on (like seeing the ring light in the back..ugh), but I wanted to post this anyways. This is my every day, 5 minute makeup routine. It's so easy and simple to do. For a list of products used check out my YouTube channel. Let me know what other tutorials you'd like to see!


The Four Skincare Product Must Haves

Deciding what skincare products to use can be overwhelming. Period. Do you use a retinol cream? What about serums? There are so many variations, where should you even start? About a year ago I decided to get really serious about my skin (this happens to be right around the time I found my first grey hair and experienced the worst breakouts). I won't lie, I always thought I had a lot more time before I had to worry about anti-aging creams, retinol creams etc. I mean, I definitely thought I had until at least 35. Nope, I was completely wrong. The earlier you start a good skincare regime, the better your skin will be. Especially living in California, where your skin is exposed to strong sun almost year round.

I did a post on my skincare regime here, and to be honest, not much has changed. As a blogger I'm lucky that I get to try a lot of products, but I always go back to a certain few. If I'm totally obsessed with a product, then I'll incorporate it into my every day routine. But this is a pretty high standard. When I posted my skincare routine I got a lot of DMs asking if people could only buy one product, which one should it be. It's really hard to narrow it down to one, but I thought I would highlight four products I think you should definitely own. They all serve different purposes, so if you are only looking to buy one right now, I suggest deciding on what your top priorities are. 

1. A good facial cleanser

This step is absolutely key. I usually use the IS Clinical Complex Cleanser, Cetaphil or SkinMedica Foam cleanser. Cetaphil is very gentle on the skin, so I use it when my skin is feeling more sensitive. SkinMedica is good when you are breaking out, as it has Salicylic Acid. I was recently introduced to the Facile cleanser and I love it. For one, the smell is amazing. Further, it has the perfect amount of foam to make your face feel clean without being too harsh. Lastly, it has helped keep my skin pretty clear over the past few weeks.

2. IS Clinical Active Serum

This Active Serum is pure magic. I was introduced to it (and most of the products I use) by Shani Darden. When you apply it you get a slight tingling sensation that dissipates after a few seconds. It is said to decrease fine line and wrinkles and even out skin tone. What I think it is used best for is reducing and eliminating acne. It truly works. I apply it after my cleanser and before moisturizer. I alternate every other night with my retinol cream below.

3. Shani Darden's Retinol Reform

I can't say enough good things about this product. I was so scared to use a retinol cream as I had heard that they can be really harsh on the skin and lead to tons of peeling. This product is the opposite. While you are supposed to gradually build up using the product, I think it is gentle enough to use every other night. It helps to even out skin tone and give this incredible glow to your skin. It's expensive but you just need a tiny amount. Just like the active serum, I apply it after I cleanse my skin and before a moisturizer.

4. Dr. Dennis Gross Peel Pads

If you are like me and wear a decent amount of makeup every day, you need these peel pads. It exfoliates the skin in a gentle way, eliminating all the dirt that lives on the surface of your skin. It keeps your pores clean and helps to reduce acne. You apply step 1 (it's like a cotton pad soaked in the product) and leave it on for a couple of minutes. Then you apply step 2 (which feels like step 1). Normally my skin is a bit red after so I will apply a cooling serum (like the IS Clinical hydracool serum) and then a light moisturizer. I use it once a week.

Things I do to prepare for a Photo shoot

When I first started She Went West I really didn't have an idea of how to prepare for a photo shoot. I knew I had to choose my outfits and accessories, but what else? With each shoot I developed and refined my routine. If you're not a blogger you're not likely in photo shoots every week or two. Nonetheless, there are tons of occasions when you need to get camera ready. I thought I would share with you what I do to prepare, starting a few nights before my shoot. 

-Exfoliate. This is key! Primarily because in step two we will be self-tanning ;). I generally exfoliate two days before my shoot. For my face I use the Dennis Gross exfoliating pads. They were recommended to me by Shani Darden and I love them. I use the regular strength but it also comes in extra strength. Personally, the regular exfoliates while still being gentle on the skin. For my body I use this St. Ives from the pharmacy. 

- Self Tanner. My favorite part. I start applying self-tanner on my face two nights before and apply it on my body the night before. I'm so picky with my self-tanners I feel like I could do a whole post on them alone. My current favorite face self-tanner is these Tarte wipes. They used to sell them in all the Sephora stores but now I can only find them online. For my body I've been using this Tan Ceuticals for about a year. I absolutely love the color but I will warn you that when you apply it there is no color (which is great for your clothes and sheets but can make it a bit tricky if you're new to self-tanning). 

- Dry Shampoo. This is my favorite trick for adding volume to your hair. For a photoshoot you need extra volume. I apply dry shampoo at the roots and work it in (even on clean hair). I'm telling you, it's the best trick ever. I use this Sachajuan dry shampoo.

- Setting Spray. This is essential, especially if you're shooting in LA. After the sixth outfit you're not exactly looking your prime (and your makeup has shifted). This happens in any photoshoot where you're trying to smile for over an hour straight. Setting spray is key. I've been using this Morphe one lately but also love this Urban Decay one. 

- Liquid Lipstick. Forget the lipgloss- it won't last. Use a liquid lipstick and then apply a gloss on top if you want the shine. My favorite liquid lipsticks right now are this Anastasia one, this Kylie Cosmetics one and this Tarte one. 

- Don't use deodorant. I know this is a super weird one but if you intend on changing into a few outfits (or 8 if you're like me and do it in the back of the car) then avoid getting deodorant stains on your clothes. It's just not worth it. 

Let me know if there are any tricks you guys use that I didn't mention xox

 Photography by Felicia Lasala

My Skincare Routine

As I mentioned on my Instagram yesterday, I'm going to share with you my skin story. This is one of my more personal posts. Anyone who has suffered from acne knows how difficult it can be. You're desperate for answers and for some miracle to stop the breakouts and completely clear your skin. The problem is that often times the cause is not so obvious and therefore the treatment isn't so easy to find.  The following is my story. 

In November, 2016, I woke up to a complete breakout on my chin, unlike anything I had ever seen before. But before I go into detail, let me back up a bit. I've been on birth control since I was around 14 or 15 (I went on it early as I was irregular). From that time until November, 2016, I had only been on two brands of birth control. The first was Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo. Since it was my first and only pill I had ever been on, I thought the excruciating PMS stomach aches were normal (not to mention my mood swings). When I switched doctors at the age of 22, my new doctor (and my favorite person ever) suggested I try a new pill. That is when I went on Alesse. The stomach aches completely disappeared and so did my excuse for my mood swings ;). The pill worked wonders for me (Disclaimer: everyone reacts differently to different pills. What works for one person may not for another).

Anyway, when I moved to LA I discovered that Alesse isn't sold in the US, only the generic version is. So I continued getting my pill in Canada. Finally, after nearly 3 years of getting my mom to bring 6 months worth at a time, I decided to try the generic version. I thought since it was the same active ingredients, what's the harm? Wow, was I wrong. 

I always had pretty good skin. I would have the occasional breakout here and there, but nothing that required me to invest in high quality skincare or a good facial. So when I broke out on my chin in November, 2016, I convinced myself I was so stressed, my body was reacting in that way. The problem was, it continued to get worse and worse. I ended up having to go to the dermotologist 3 times to get cortisone shots! And no matter what I did, or what I used on my face, it continued to get worse. I tried new cleansers, face creams, you name it.  After two months of this (and countless cancelled photo shoots for She Went West), I decided enough is enough. I was going back on Alesse. 

Luckily, it also coincided with my appointment with Shani Darden. If you are not familiar with Shani, she is an INCREDIBLE esthetician. Her practice is also impossible to get into (but don't worry I'm going to share the products she recommends below). I got in through a connection and made an apt in June for January. The appointment came at the perfect time. In June, my skin was fine (like I mentioned above, I've always had pretty good skin- not perfect but not bad). By January I was in desperate need for anything that would help. I explained my story and how I had just switched back to my old pill. She worked wonders and put me on a regime that would help stop the breakouts and minimize the acne scars.  

Within a few weeks of going back on my original pill and using Shani's skin-care routine my skin went back to normal. I will never take clear skin for granted again. The products I use are mostly from a brand called IS Clinical. If you've never heard of IS Clinical before, google it. So many people swear by it, like Jessica Alba, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley and Marianna Hewitt. If it's good enough for them it's good enough for me! 

The products are not too expensive and a little goes a long way. The serums last me anywhere from 4-6 months. If you're looking to invest in only one product, I would suggest the active serum. But if you want an entire new routine, I highly recommend the following. 

1) Wash my face with IS Clinical Complex Cleanser (gentle yet effective)
2) Apply IS Clinical Pro Heal Serum (this is great to hydrate skin and minimize acne scars)
3) Apply IS Clinical Reparative Moisture Emulsion* (very hydrating)
4) Apply IS Clinical Youth Eye Complex Cream (the best under eye cream I've ever tried since it's so gentle)

1) Use makeup remover (I tend to buy cheap ones at target)
2) Wash my face with IS Clinical Complex Cleanser
3) Apply IS Clinical Active Serum (if you have acne this is the one product I suggest purchasing ASAP- it seriously is a miracle)**
4) Apply IS Clinical Reparative Moisture Emulsion
5) Apply IS Clinical Youth Eye Complex Cream
6) Apply IS Clinical Neckperfect Complex
7) Apply lip balm and hand cream (can't fall asleep without it)

* Don't forget sunscreen in the AM (my foundation I currently use has SPF 30)
**I alternate using Active Serum and Shani's Retinol Reform, which is very gently and gives your skin such a glow (also amazing for anti-aging benefits)
*** You should exfoliate once a week

Photography by Felicia Lasala

Botox in a bottle? Yes, please!

When I first moved to LA I started to hear people recommend using anti-aging products. Whether it was estheticians, dermatologists, friends or the magazines I was reading, I thought they were all nuts. After all I'm only 28. I know 28 in LA terms is "old", but c'mon, anti-aging products?  So I started to do some research and quickly learned that that they were all right. While we don't need to worry about wrinkles appearing any time soon, the earlier you start using anti-aging products, the better. By using anti-aging products in your skincare routine at an earlier age you are helping to prevent premature aging. 

I wouldn't say go run to the La Mer counter and buy the most expensive anti-aging serum they have. Rather, try to include a few products in your skincare routine. That's what I have been doing lately and loving it. Recently I've been incorporating Stridermatox products in my routine. The products have a high concentration of Matrixyl, Argireline and Hyaluronic Acid. I'm sure you have heard of Hyaluronic Acid. It helps with tissue hydration which is key to smoother and more hydrated skin. The more hydrated your skin is, the better. Matrixyl stimulates collagen synthesis and skin repair and Argireline helps reduce the depth and size of wrinkles. 

I won't lie- there is huge temptation in LA to start with botox at a young age (and yes, I've had an injection here and there). But over the past year I've moved away from that and started to take better care of my skin. That includes getting regular facials and making sure each product I use serves a purpose and reacts well with my skin.  And if the products help avoid requiring botox (and the $$ that goes with it) then I'm all for it!

My favorite is the wrinkle and frown cream. I apply it in the morning before I do my makeup and before bed. One of my biggest complaints with face creams is that they leave an oily residue, making it impossible to apply my makeup properly. This cream is water-based and absorbs really quickly so I don't have that issue. A few days a week I'll incorporate the defying lifting serum and apply it before the cream. Then I apply the eye gel

You can use the code "SHEWENTWEST" to get 20% off. The best part is if you don't love the products there is a money-back guarantee. If you try Stridermatox let me know what you think! xo

This post is in collaboration with Stridermatox. As always, all opinions are my own.