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Showing posts with label Wellness. Show all posts
Recipe: Overnight Oats
If you are looking for an easy, healthy breakfast then this is for you. The hardest part is remembering to prepare the oats the night before. The key is to have very ripe bananas. Overnight oats are nutritious, filling and are particularly good for the fourth trimester (especially if you are breastfeeding).
-1 very ripe banana
- 1/2 cup of rolled oats
- Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk
- 1/2 tbsp Vanilla
- Maple Syrup
1. Mash banana in a bowl until there are no clumps.
2. Add rolled oats and mix.
3. Add almond milk just so that it covers the oats and banana.
4. Add vanilla and mix.
5. Keep it in the fridge overnight.
6. Add maple syrup and mix before eating.
What It's Really Like To Move Away- Part 3 (Los Angeles)
Our weekends usually consist of the following: an exercise class (like spinning, pilates or boot camp), followed by brunch (something like Toast if we want casual or the Fountain Room in the Beverly Hills Hotel if we are feeling fancy), followed by a walk around Melrose Place and Beverly Hills (the residential part) with Luca, and finally followed by dinner at one of our favorite local places (like Sugarfish, Cafe Gratitude or Il Pastaio). Sundays include a visit to the Brentwood Farmer's Market and grocery shopping at our three favorites: Bristol Farms, Trader Joe's and Whole Foods. Our weekdays generally consist of an exercise class, full day of work, long evening walk with Luca for an hour or two and then a bath for me. I won't lie, it sounds pretty perfect to me. And it is. So why do I get days when I think I'm certain I want to move home? Again, they are far and few between, but they do exist.
The truth is, as glamorous as the above sounds (and don't get me wrong, we worked damn hard to get to the above), there are things missing. There are no Friday night dinners with the family. There are no Saturday night girls nights (with my bfs from back home). There's no meeting up with my mom or sister-in-laws for coffee. There's no morning runs or shopping excursions with my dad. And worse, there's missing the big things. Missing birthdays, special occasions, births etc. We simply can't be home for everything.
Unfortunately for me, living in the same place as my whole family won't ever be an option. My mom lives in Montreal, my dad lives in Miami and my brother lives in London. Yup, we couldn't choose places further apart.
So where am I getting at with this? I guess it's to be as honest as possible. As we all know, Instagram is a highlight reel of people's lives. While we all know this, I think we (or at least me), subconsciously forget and fall into the trap of comparison and dare I say jealousy. I know that 10 years ago, if I saw my Instagram I'd think that this is my dream life. Period. But living in it, I know that nothing is ever 100% perfect. Overall, LA is home. I love the life we have built here and I'm truly grateful for it. I do think we are happier here then we would be living in Montreal. But on the days I'm homesick or whatnot, Montreal doesn't seem that bad to me.
I'm also trying to work through the "grass is greener" mentality. After all, I know if we moved back to Montreal it wouldn't be long before I'm scrolling through Instagram, feeling jealous of people's lives in LA. The key is trying to appreciate the now, without worrying about what will happen in the future. Will we move back to Montreal? Maybe, one day. And we may not. But until we are forced to make that decision, I need to be grateful for my time in LA. I never want to look back at this chapter and think I took it for granted.
What It's Really Like To Move Away- Part 2 (Los Angeles)
When we got off the plane in LA, I had a similar sinking feeling in my stomach that I did the night my dad left NY my first day of NYU. This time, however, I wasn't alone. We got a rental car, got a map (we didn't have phones in the US yet and had stupidly canceled our phones in Montreal), and made our way to a small hotel/motel down the street from our apartment. Did I mention we found an apartment on Craiglist, the building next to the Four Seasons we had stayed at 3 years earlier? Yup, we literally manifested the life we wanted in LA and it came true. We couldn't move in yet since it wasn't the 1st of the month, but we were able to go visit it that afternoon. It was a bit shabby, with rugs from the 70s and mirrored walls everywhere (I kid you not). But it was our new LA home.
I remember taking a taxi (Ubers weren't really a popular thing yet) to Target, buying toilet paper and shampoo (we had nothing) and then trying to figure out where we were to head back. We then made our way to T-Mobile to try and get cellphones, not realizing it would be incredibly difficult since we didn't have social security numbers yet. That was just a little sign of what was to come. I really think it was the biggest blessing that we didn't know how challenging the move would be, otherwise, I'm not sure we would have done it.
That summer I spent the majority of my time studying for the California bar and spinning at Cycle House. Did I mention I was also planning a wedding that was to take place two weeks after the Bar? Oy. We were learning our favorite restaurants, favorite walks with Luca, favorite coffee shops, exercise classes and the like. It was becoming home.
While LA is farther from Montreal than NY is, moving this time around was much easier because I had Ray. I also got really lucky with my job. A few months after passing the bar I found my dream law job. Ray had a bit harder time, primarily because our visas required that he stay with the same employer. While I'm not going to get into details about our jobs and financial situations in the first few years living in LA, I will say it wasn't easy. I started off making $300/week as a secretary (after passing two bars) in order to get my foot in the door in a field I was dying to practice in. Ray wasn't happy in his job. And together we didn't make nearly enough money to live comfortably in LA. Let's just say the stress of it all wasn't easy on our new marriage. Honeymoon stage? Ha! And yet, every time we talked about the possibility of moving back, we both agreed LA was worth fighting for (cliche but true). We were willing to work hard to make it work. And we did.
Fast forward 5 years and several visas later, I'm still in the same law job but now have my own office and making a bit more than $300/week ;). She Went West is in its third year and a great outlet for me and a nice source of extra money. Ray is doing well. And we live in a beautiful condo we rent in Beverly Hills. Let's just say we no longer face the same struggles we did when we first moved here. From the outside, it seems pretty perfect and glamorous. Most of the time I count my blessings because it really is pretty amazing. And yet, there are days I'm sure I want to move home. That's the truth. Those days are few and far between, but they do happen.
To be continued in Part 3
What It's Really Like To Move Away- Part 1 (New York)
When I was 18 I moved to New York alone to go to NYU. I distinctly remember the feeling of sitting at a deli with my dad after a day of moving in and furnishing my dorm room, getting up to say goodbye before his flight back to Montreal, and getting this incredible sinking feeling in my stomach: what did I just do? I barely knew anyone in New York. Most of my friends were still in Montreal or not far away and most of my family was still home. Somehow I decided to leave everything I knew to live in a place alone, entirely on my own accord. Did I just make a big mistake?
Let's back up a bit. When I was 14 my brother moved to London to attend LSE. We would go visit him a few times a year and he would come home for summers. Every time he left to go back, I'd get this feeling like "wow, he's experiencing something so different and so magical- living abroad, meeting new friends, experiencing a new culture." I felt jealous and I knew I had to do the same. When the time came to apply to university, I applied to 50 (no joke) all around the world. Eventually, it came down to the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, USC, and NYU. I visited Scotland and immediately decided it wasn't for me: it rained the entire time, I couldn't understand a word the teacher was speaking as his accent was so thick it no longer resembled English and the food was...not for me. I loved the idea of USC but it seemed too far for me. While New York is an hour flight from Montreal, Los Angeles is a 5-6 hour flight. So NYU it was.
The night my dad left New York after helping me settle into my dorm, I felt an incredible mix of emotions. On the one hand, I was living a life I saw my brother live: moving somewhere new alone. On the other hand, I hadn't really thought through what it would be like to live somewhere new alone at 18. I kind of just did it. Fast forward a few months, I really got into it. While I spent the majority of my weeks studying like crazy, my friends, boyfriend at the time, and parents would visit frequently. Plus, to go home was just a short one hour flight away. I was okay. I was happy. There were still times I felt a bit lonely, and so in my third year I decided to get a dog, and in came Luca. By the end of my time in New York, I truly felt like a younger Carrie Bradshaw, living my best early 20s life in NYC. I loved the city and my time there but I did feel a sense of relief knowing that it was limited and I'd be returning home soon.
When I moved back, I got an upper duplex apartment that was amazing in my favorite part of Montreal. I was back with my friends, family, and my normal Montreal routine. And a few months later I met Ray. One day we were standing in Starbucks waiting for our drinks when he said he couldn't wait to move away one day. Uh oh...When I moved back from New York, I really thought it was for good (or at least a while). Should we just end our fling right there? After all, it had only been a few weeks. He definitely wasn't thinking long-term and moving away with me. But I was definitely thinking do I want to get serious with someone who wants to move away. He had never moved away but I just had.
We continued to date and didn't talk about it again. By the end of my first year in law school, and the end of my first year back in Montreal, I was kind of over it again. While I cherished the things I had missed (like regular girls nights and family dinners), I couldn't really ignore the things I didn't like about living in the city. I had recently experienced three years of incredible growth: the excitement of living in a new city, independence of learning to live alone, new routines, new restaurants, a new way of living. Montreal just didn't provide that. Moreover, it didn't help that I hated law school and desperately wanted to escape that environment. That May, Ray and I took a trip to LA. We stayed at the Four Seasons on Doheny and would spend our afternoons wandering the streets of Beverly Hills (the residential parts, not even the shops). We would talk about what we wanted our life to look like and how much we loved this city. I remember saying we should come back for longer next time.
Somehow over the years, the idea of coming back for a week turned into finding a way to move here full-time. People always ask who wanted to move here and the truth is we both did, at the exact same time. And so, we made it happen. After four years of dating, on March 31, 2014, we moved to LA.
To be continued in Part 2.
Jacket: Forever 21, Jeans: Rag & Bone, Boots: Marc Fisher, Sunglasses: Ray-Ban
What I Want for 2019
Starting to write this post, I had a look at my intentions for 2018. For some reason, I completely forgot what I had intended to accomplish over the past year. It actually made me giggle. I had baby fever in 2017? Oy. I wanted to finish decorating my office and then decorate my kitchen nook? At least I got to the office! (lol). Create more youtube content (uh oh...). Slow down? I actually think I wasn't so bad at that. If anything, listing your intentions for the upcoming year is a nice way to chart where you are that year (emotionally or otherwise). So let's get started on my intentions for 2019!
- Redecorate my kitchen nook and dining room. So this has found it's way on my list again this year. However, I actually think it will happen this time. I've already picked the table and chairs I want and have started to think about how I want to decorate the shelves in the nook. Plus, I moved the big Ikea mirror that was awkwardly in my dining room into my bedroom, so I'm ready to replace that with something more appropriate. To be honest, it's never a lack of motivation to redecorate. It's all about the cost. Somehow, that extra $1,000 I need to redecorate these spaces always ends up going to something I prioritize more. This year, it's going to be a priority.
- Work on managing my anxiety. This will probably make its way on to every list I write for the rest of my life. It's kind of a reminder for me of how important it is to try and manage my anxiety. Last night I got into bed after a really fun day and evening out, Ray fell right asleep and sure enough, I spent three hours worrying about everything (and I mean everything). Two hours into this anxiety attack (it wasn't a panic attack), I realized that if I could change my thoughts from worry to worry in less than 15 seconds each, it was clearly anxiety and not my rational self. And so, I let the thoughts just come and go, knowing in the morning I'd forget about 98% of these worries (or, at least, they wouldn't seem nearly as big). And that's what happened. Learning to manage anxiety is key. Who wants to waste so much energy worrying about things that may never happen? Some weeks are better than others and that's okay. It's a work in progress, lol.
- Figure out my fertility and when we want kids. A few months ago I went off the Pill after 15 years to give me body a break. Will this year be the year for kids? I'm not sure. Ray is definitely ready. I have my days. Some days (especially those I spend with close friends and family who are pregnant), I think to myself we're totally ready! We've been married for 4 1/2 years, have stable jobs, are obsessed with spending all of our time with Luca (lol) etc. Other weeks I get a sinking feeling in my stomach. How am I supposed to balance a law career (which is growing so quickly), my blog (which I want to grow more and more), my marriage, my personal well-being (mental and physical health), and children (especially with no family in LA). It's terrifying.
- Unsubscribe to emails. I am subscribed to so many useless emails that I just delete every morning. Along with my goal to declutter my house (see below), I am going to declutter my inbox. Who's with me?
- Write more blog posts. I have failed at posting consistently on my blog this year. And the sad part is, I love to write. I love to post. I'm just having a hard time finding the motivation to do so. I work all week in my law job and I'm exhausted when I get home at night. On the weekends I just want to spend time with Ray rather than working. So finding the time to sit down and write has been difficult. But I am going to prioritize it this year. My goal is to post once a week. If I could post more, great!
- Declutter. This is key if we want to start a family. In all likelihood, we will stay in our apartment for a while. While I absolutely love it, there isn't a ton of storage space and most cupboards are overflowing with my clothes (clothes that I rarely wear). I gave away and donated a ton of clothes this past year, but it's time to give away even more. I also need to declutter my decor. I have some decor pieces that have followed me for the past 10 years. While I like them, it's definitely time for them to go. The fake plants I bought for $20 fit the bill after college, but now they're kind of over. I want less stuff in the house, including those chachkies.
Anyway, it'll be fun to see next year which intentions I follow through with and which I don't. Wishing you all a Happy New Year! xoxo
Dry Brushing: What's It All About?
If you're anything like me you've probably heard about dry brushing, considered incorporating it into your routine and then got too lazy to follow through. I mean, I spend so much time taking care of my skin, nourishing my body, exercising and focusing on my overall wellness, why not incorporate dry brushing? I was sent this Joanna Vargas brush this week and decided to refresh myself on the benefits of dry brushing.
Dry brushing is just as it sounds: brushing your dry skin. The bristles on the brush are pretty firm, which helps to exfoliate, to promote circulation and stimulate the lymphatic system. So why is this important?
Skin's appearance. The most obvious is that it'll improve your skin's texture. Just like using the Dr. Dennis Gross Facial Peel Pads, or the Joanna Vargas Exfoliating Mask, your body needs to be exfoliated as well. And I'm definitely guilty of neglecting that.
Minimizing cellulite. Dry brushing is said to help reduce cellulite. Cellulite is fat under the skin. When you brush your skin, it increases blood circulation which helps to flush fat out of your skin. Are you going to lose pounds from dry brushing? No. Am I willing to spend 2 minutes a day to try and reduce the chance of getting cellulite in the future? Hell, yes.
Improve the immune system. Promoting circulation in your body is said to increase the level of white blood cells, clean the body's tissues and help to filter out waste and toxins.
As I mentioned, I've yet to incorporate dry brushing into my wellness routine. But reminding myself of the benefits definitely makes it tempting. I'm going to start this week and keep you posted!
Dry brushing is just as it sounds: brushing your dry skin. The bristles on the brush are pretty firm, which helps to exfoliate, to promote circulation and stimulate the lymphatic system. So why is this important?
Skin's appearance. The most obvious is that it'll improve your skin's texture. Just like using the Dr. Dennis Gross Facial Peel Pads, or the Joanna Vargas Exfoliating Mask, your body needs to be exfoliated as well. And I'm definitely guilty of neglecting that.
Minimizing cellulite. Dry brushing is said to help reduce cellulite. Cellulite is fat under the skin. When you brush your skin, it increases blood circulation which helps to flush fat out of your skin. Are you going to lose pounds from dry brushing? No. Am I willing to spend 2 minutes a day to try and reduce the chance of getting cellulite in the future? Hell, yes.
Improve the immune system. Promoting circulation in your body is said to increase the level of white blood cells, clean the body's tissues and help to filter out waste and toxins.
As I mentioned, I've yet to incorporate dry brushing into my wellness routine. But reminding myself of the benefits definitely makes it tempting. I'm going to start this week and keep you posted!

grocery list
My Grocery Checklist
It took me a while to get good a grocery shopping. What do I mean by that? When we first moved to LA we would go food shopping, spend over $200, get home and feel like we had nothing to eat. Slowly, I figured out what meals I cook the most and what ingredients I need each week. We've also realized what to buy at each grocery store (i.e. if you buy everything at Whole Foods you'll be broke). Every Sunday afternoon Ray and I go to Trader Joe's, Whole Foods and Bristol Farms. Here is what we typically buy at each store:
Trader Joe's
- 4 bags of lettuce (usually a mix of romaine and spring mix)
- Veggies (cauliflower, broccoli, brussel sprouts, mushrooms)
- Fruits (bananas, strawberries, blueberries, a bag of lemons)
- Dates
- Avocado (bag of 4-5 small ones)
- Sweet Potato (2-3)
- Protein bars for Ray
- Earth balance (once a month)
- Cold Brew for Ray
- Eggs
- Peanut butter and almond butter (once a month)
- Chips/popcorn for Ray
- Frozen wild miso Cod (so good and easy to prepare)
- Some other frozen stuff depending on the week, like gluten free pizza made with cauliflower crust, veggie dumplings, shrimp stir fry etc.
- Any sauces we may need
- Tea
- Wine (so cheap!)
- Water
Whole Foods
- Cranberry tuna salad (small container)
- Salmon (premade, I hate cooking it)
- Spinach empanadas
- Quinoa salad (small container)
- Dave's killer bread (thin slice)
- Miso soup packs
- Unsweetened vanilla Ripple milk
- Vegan chocolate pudding
Bristol Farms
- Ray gets all his meat here and if I'm going to cook fish, I'll buy it here (usually a white fish, salmon or smoked salmon)
- Freshly squeezed orange juice with ginger or green juice (2-3 bottles for the week)
- Starbucks breakfast blend coffee (twice a month)
- Gluten free chia waffles for Ray
- Beer for Ray
- Bio K probiotic yogurt (twice a month)
The Five Minute Journal
I'm the type of person that loves the idea of meditating but can never find the time to do it. I know everyone always says you only need to spend ten minutes in the morning to meditate, but I don't have 10 minutes! I rush to wake up, drink lemon water, drink coffee, walk Luca, go to an exercise class, get back and get ready for work.
Okay, so maybe those are excuses and I can try and squeeze in 10 minutes, but honestly, it just stresses me out. That's where The Five Minute Journal comes in. And let me preface this by saying it should not replace meditation. But if you're like me, and finding it hard to get into the meditation groove but do want to start your day in a calm, centering and positive way, this is for you.
My best friend Emily came to visit last month and brought me this as a gift. It was the best gift ever as I wanted to buy it for myself for months. Every day starts with a different inspiring quote and then you fill out the same sections. Those are: 1) I am grateful for.... and list three, 2) What would make today great...and list three, 3) I am...and list two. At night you fill our three amazing things that happened today and how could it have been even better.
Straightforward and simple, right? But you can't underestimate the power of positive thinking and starting your day that way. I'm a huge believer in the law of attraction and this ensures that I practice what I believe in. It's so easy for me to wake up, scroll through Instagram, get upset and obsessed over the number of followers I gained or lost, start comparing myself to others, start worrying about everything I have going on that day etc. It's just not healthy and that energy won't get me where I want to be. The Five Minute Journal focuses my attention on the positive and shifts my thinking for the day.
Do you need The Five Minute Journal to do this? Nah. But I know I didn't force myself to sit down every morning and complete this exercise before I got it. It kind of keeps you accountable.
If you're interested in the power of positive thinking and the law of attraction, two books I love are The Universe Has Your Back and You Can Heal Your Life. I also love getting the TUT Notes From The Universe emails every morning.

Grapefruit Spritzer
I got home last night from a weekend in Montreal. It was fun to spend time with friends and family. I drank a lot and went to bed at 2:30 am each night (in case you don't know me, I'm usually in bed by 9:00 pm). I tried a few cocktails that I really liked. Here is one of my favorites. I'm always looking for low-calorie, low-sugar options. This one is delicious.
- Juice from 1/2 a grapefruit
- 3 ounces of vodka
- 1/2 cup sparkling water
- Grapefruit or rosemary for garnish (I would have used rosemary but didn't have any in the house
- Optional: A bit of maple syrup for sweetness, if you'd like
- Juice the grapefruit
- Add the grapefruit juice, then maple syrup if you want, then vodka and then top off with sparkling water
- Stir the ingredients together
- Add your garnish
- Enjoy!
The Coffee You Need To Try (My Version of Bulletproof Coffee)
Last weekend my best friend Emily was visiting me and got me into bulletproof coffee. I decided to show it on Instastory (because I do everything else), and I got so many DMs and emails! It almost makes me feel like I should switch my focus from fashion/decor/beauty to diet/wellness! Anyway, I thought I would put together a post explaining what ingredients I use and the purpose of each.
Before Emily visited I had always wanted to try it but never purchased all of the ingredients. She actually brought some with her to ensure she could make it in LA (that's dedication). And what can I say, I'm hooked. My only suggestion is to drink it as early as possible before a workout, because you really need to digest it.
Here's a brief description of the purpose of each ingredient:
Coffee: I've posted a blog about the pros and cons of coffee, you can read it here. Coffee has a lot of antioxidants and nutrients. It can help improve your energy (duh), burn fat and can lower your risk of diabetes among other diseases. I don't know about you but I set my coffee machine on automatic timer the night before and when I wake up the smell literally makes me so happy. I generally make Starbucks breakfast blend. Emily uses Nespresso, in case you were wondering.
Collagen Peptides: I've also done a post on collagen, you can read it here. It's great for your digestive system, a good source of protein, prevents aging, strengthens hair and nails, and more. I use the marine collagen because I don't eat meat. Vital Proteins makes an amazing one. And if you're afraid to try it, I promise it doesn't have a taste.
Ghee Butter: Ghee Butter helps sustain your energy for longer periods of time. It is high in nutrients and is good for your brain and digestion. If you are like me and refused to try bulletproof coffee because the thought of adding butter to your coffee totally disgusted you, I am here to tell you it's actually good. And, again if you are like me and lactose intolerant, ghee butter doesn't have lactose! I got the one that Emily suggested which is vanilla flavor. It adds the perfect sweetness to the coffee and makes it super frothy.
MCT Oil: MCT oil is fatty acids that are easier to digest, they are a good source of energy, support hormones and are good for your gut (I need all of the above). I would definitely recommend starting with a very little amount and building your way up- this stuff is powerful.
Cinnamon: Okay so I'm actually not using the right cinnamon. You are supposed to use Ceylon Cinnamon (but I have a fresh new jar so I refuse to just buy another one just yet). Ceylon Cinnamon helps regulate blood sugar and helps guard against IBS. It also adds a nice flavor to your coffee. Pro tip: add some cinnamon powder to your coffee in the coffee machine (I learned this from Ray and now I'm hooked!).
Pearl Powder: I love incorporating pearl powder into my daily routine and this is the perfect place to add it. Pearl powder helps stimulate collagen, even skin tone, whiten the white part of your eyes, and strengthen hair and nails. FYI, this isn't part of the typical bulletproof coffee but is my own variation.
I use a magic bullet to mix it all together. If you don't own one yet, I highly suggest purchasing one. They are amazing to make bulletproof coffee, smoothies, and salad dressings.

The Coffee Lowdown
In Monday's Instagram post I mentioned that my doctors suggest I drink no more than 1 cup of coffee a day. I think in an ideal world they would prefer that I cut caffeine out of my diet entirely, but I don't think Ray or Luca would ever forgive them if I tried. I should mention that I have anxiety and also get cystic acne. Apparently coffee doesn't help either...who knew ;). Anyway, after doing some research I figured I would share with you my findings of the pros and cons of caffeine. But, let's be honest, I do not expect you to cut it out cold turkey. I wish I could but it'll never happen.
The Pros of Caffeine
- It can relieve fatigue (duh)
- It could reduce the risk of Alzheimer's and Dementia
- It lowers the risk of stroke for older women
- Studies say it can lead to a longer life (maybe the cystic acne isn't that bad then...)
- It can reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes
- My own experience: It keeps me regular (TMI)
The Cons of Caffeine
- It increases anxiety (the main reason I should cut it out)
- It can interact poorly with other medication you are on
- It is highly acidic= heartburn
- Can lead to stomach aches
- If you suffer from IBS or other stomach-related issues, could be a nono
- It can affect your blood sugar levels and thus elevate stress hormones which can trigger inflammation in the body (aka not good for acne, especially cystic acne).
- It can also dehydrate your body which is bad for your skin, especially when you have acne
So what do you do with this information? I'm not really sure! I know for me I'm trying realllyy hard to limit my coffee to one cup a day. I recently asked a dermo about green tea as an alternative. While she did say it's better than coffee, it still has a lot of caffeine. I'm going to try and replace my afternoon coffee with interesting drink alternatives, like this pin detox one or this turmeric-ginger drink.

Why I Started Drinking Turmeric Ginger Lemon Tea
When I got back from Napa I realized I needed to take a step back and focus my attention on my mind and body. For one, I had trouble sleeping in Napa. While I was on such a wonderful trip, I couldn't help but feel really anxious. I would wake up at 6:00 am with this dooming feeling, like something was going to happen or I forgot to do something important. But there was nothing. If you've been following me then you know that I have generalized anxiety. But I rarely feel this type of anxiety without something (even if it's something small) at the root of it. Moreover my skin was a mess! This lead to me feeling discouraged and exhausted. So for the past week I have taken steps to help both my mind and body. I started going back to hot yoga and hot yoga barre. I started eating primarily vegetables and protein (limiting sugar and carbs- aka no more chocolate in the house). I started drinking tons of water (infused with lemon, ginger and mint). I started taking probiotics again (Bio K is my favorite). And I started drinking turmeric ginger lemon tea at night.
Turmeric Ginger Lemon Tea has so many health benefits. Here are a few:
- It's a powerful anti-inflammatory (which consequently helps with joint pain, stomach aches, bloating and skin inflammation, to name a few)
- It's a powerful antioxidant
- Helps reduce nausea
- Helps with digestion
- Reduces muscle pain and soreness
- Helps reduce menstrual pain
- Good for your immune system
- Good source of potassium
- Helps with digestion
- Antioxidants help clear your skin
- Reduces inflammation
Are you sold yet? If you're like me and have a sensitive stomach, this drink is amazing to have after dinner. And it's so easy to make. There are several variations on how to make it. You could use fresh ginger and turmeric or powder. Here is my recipe:
Makes 2 cups since 1 isn't usually enough :)
- Boil 2 cups of water with 1/2 tsp of turmeric powder and 1 tsp of fresh ginger (cut into pieces)
- Once it reaches a boil, turn off heat and cover for 5 minutes (I sometimes stir in some cinnamon at this point)
- Drain the liquid
- Add 1/2 tsp of honey and 1-2 thin slices of lemon
- Enjoy!
My Bikini Diet
I know it's already August and most of you have already finished your vacations. Nevertheless, I wanted to write this post because I get so many questions about my diet. While I haven't done a post yet about my regular diet, I wanted to get this post out first, before the summer comes to an end. The diet I am about to describe is also perfect for prepping for an event, when you want to avoid the bloat and feel your best.
Before I get into I need to state the obvious but necessary disclosure that everybody's body is different. What works for me may not work for you. It is key to try different diets and see what makes you feel and look your best. For example, I recently started following a model on Instagram. Her body is out this world. Obviously I wanted to know what her diet was asap! I stalked her blog and read what she eats in a week. Her diet consists of essentially a vegan, raw diet with tons and tons of fruit. That would not work for me. Generally, when I eat fruit I get super bloated and the amount of sugar (even natural) doesn't make me feel great. But for her it obviously works really well. So I suggest trying different diets until you find your best match. Scroll down for my bikini-ready diet.
So this may disappoint some of you but my bikini diet does NOT involve counting calories. That simply does not work for me. Rather, my diet consists of lots of greens and healthy fats, and low carb and sugar. Depending on how strict you want to be, you should eliminate all alcohol. I wish I could say I do this but realistically, I don't. I do limit, however, how much I drink (i.e. I try to start drinking on Thursday rather than know what I mean). So here are a few examples of what I eat in a day:
- 2 full eggs and 1 egg white (over medium), sliced avocado, green salad
- Overnight oats (yes, I know this is a carb, but when I eat it first thing in the morning it doesn't bloat me and keeps me full. My recipe is 1 smushed banana, 1/2 cup of oats, fill the bowl with almond milk until it just covers the oats and a splash of vanilla. 1 tsp of maple syrup is optional but I don't feel like I need it with my unsweetened vanilla almond milk)
- Smoked salmon and a green salad
- Generally my lunch consists of a big green salad with a protein and avocado. Since I don't eat meat my protein of choice is usually salmon or tuna. My salad dressing is generally either olive oil, garlic powder, pink salt and pepper or olive oil, dijon mustard, lemon juice, garlic, pink salt and pepper.
- Like lunch, my dinner is usually a protein with vegetables or a salad. If I feel like something warm, I will cook a bunch of vegetables with olive oil and garlic powder. My protein is generally fish (salmon, tuna, shrimp, white fish etc) or tofu (but I only eat tofu around once a week).
- Handful of walnuts
- Peanut butter with apple or banana
- A few slices of smoked salmon
- 2 hardboiled eggs (if I didn't eat eggs in the morning)
- Drink tons of water (I am so bad about this). Add fresh mint or lemon water to keep it interesting
- Try and eat as early as possible. I find eating by 6:30 works best for me. When I go to bed on a full stomach I tend to wake up feeling a bit bloated.
- Avoid sodas (I don't drink soda but I drink sparkling water which still bloats) and gum
- If you have a sweet tooth have fruit. Yes, it is sugar but it is natural sugar and better than anything processed. Also, for me it is easier to digest on an empty stomach.
Bottom line: Eat as much greens as you want and feel full and satisfied with healthy proteins and fats. Try and limit your carb and sugar intake and if you are going to eat carbs or sugar, do so before the early afternoon. Limit alcohol (especially 2-3 days before your event or vacation). Drink water with lemon when you wake up. Try and eat at home as much as possible (you never know what restaurants cook with and even healthy restaurants tend you use lots of salt).
If you have any questions feel free to DM or email me! I hope you found this helpful xoxo
My Skincare Routine
As I mentioned on my Instagram yesterday, I'm going to share with you my skin story. This is one of my more personal posts. Anyone who has suffered from acne knows how difficult it can be. You're desperate for answers and for some miracle to stop the breakouts and completely clear your skin. The problem is that often times the cause is not so obvious and therefore the treatment isn't so easy to find. The following is my story.
In November, 2016, I woke up to a complete breakout on my chin, unlike anything I had ever seen before. But before I go into detail, let me back up a bit. I've been on birth control since I was around 14 or 15 (I went on it early as I was irregular). From that time until November, 2016, I had only been on two brands of birth control. The first was Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo. Since it was my first and only pill I had ever been on, I thought the excruciating PMS stomach aches were normal (not to mention my mood swings). When I switched doctors at the age of 22, my new doctor (and my favorite person ever) suggested I try a new pill. That is when I went on Alesse. The stomach aches completely disappeared and so did my excuse for my mood swings ;). The pill worked wonders for me (Disclaimer: everyone reacts differently to different pills. What works for one person may not for another).
Anyway, when I moved to LA I discovered that Alesse isn't sold in the US, only the generic version is. So I continued getting my pill in Canada. Finally, after nearly 3 years of getting my mom to bring 6 months worth at a time, I decided to try the generic version. I thought since it was the same active ingredients, what's the harm? Wow, was I wrong.
I always had pretty good skin. I would have the occasional breakout here and there, but nothing that required me to invest in high quality skincare or a good facial. So when I broke out on my chin in November, 2016, I convinced myself I was so stressed, my body was reacting in that way. The problem was, it continued to get worse and worse. I ended up having to go to the dermotologist 3 times to get cortisone shots! And no matter what I did, or what I used on my face, it continued to get worse. I tried new cleansers, face creams, you name it. After two months of this (and countless cancelled photo shoots for She Went West), I decided enough is enough. I was going back on Alesse.
Luckily, it also coincided with my appointment with Shani Darden. If you are not familiar with Shani, she is an INCREDIBLE esthetician. Her practice is also impossible to get into (but don't worry I'm going to share the products she recommends below). I got in through a connection and made an apt in June for January. The appointment came at the perfect time. In June, my skin was fine (like I mentioned above, I've always had pretty good skin- not perfect but not bad). By January I was in desperate need for anything that would help. I explained my story and how I had just switched back to my old pill. She worked wonders and put me on a regime that would help stop the breakouts and minimize the acne scars.
Within a few weeks of going back on my original pill and using Shani's skin-care routine my skin went back to normal. I will never take clear skin for granted again. The products I use are mostly from a brand called IS Clinical. If you've never heard of IS Clinical before, google it. So many people swear by it, like Jessica Alba, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley and Marianna Hewitt. If it's good enough for them it's good enough for me!
The products are not too expensive and a little goes a long way. The serums last me anywhere from 4-6 months. If you're looking to invest in only one product, I would suggest the active serum. But if you want an entire new routine, I highly recommend the following.
1) Wash my face with IS Clinical Complex Cleanser (gentle yet effective)
2) Apply IS Clinical Pro Heal Serum (this is great to hydrate skin and minimize acne scars)
3) Apply IS Clinical Reparative Moisture Emulsion* (very hydrating)
4) Apply IS Clinical Youth Eye Complex Cream (the best under eye cream I've ever tried since it's so gentle)
1) Use makeup remover (I tend to buy cheap ones at target)
2) Wash my face with IS Clinical Complex Cleanser
3) Apply IS Clinical Active Serum (if you have acne this is the one product I suggest purchasing ASAP- it seriously is a miracle)**
4) Apply IS Clinical Reparative Moisture Emulsion
5) Apply IS Clinical Youth Eye Complex Cream
6) Apply IS Clinical Neckperfect Complex
7) Apply lip balm and hand cream (can't fall asleep without it)
* Don't forget sunscreen in the AM (my foundation I currently use has SPF 30)
**I alternate using Active Serum and Shani's Retinol Reform, which is very gently and gives your skin such a glow (also amazing for anti-aging benefits)
*** You should exfoliate once a week

Photography by Felicia Lasala
The benefits of collagen
For as long as I can remember I have had a sensitive stomach. It took years and years of eliminating foods to determine what agreed with me and what didn't. I can honestly say that think I have now (finally) figured out a system. I know what to eat, in what combination, at what times etc. (I am happy to do a more detailed post if you'd like).
To say I am a picky eater is an understatement. I don't eat dairy (I am lactose intolerant). I don't eat meat (a purely personal rather than dietetic choice). I don't eat a lot of sweets. I eat gluten in moderation...Let's just say when I moved to LA I fit right in.
Now, one of my biggest challenges is to ensure that I have enough protein and calcium in my diet. I haven't had red meat for nearly 13 years and all meat for almost 8 years (I stopped the day I took Luca home).
To say I am a picky eater is an understatement. I don't eat dairy (I am lactose intolerant). I don't eat meat (a purely personal rather than dietetic choice). I don't eat a lot of sweets. I eat gluten in moderation...Let's just say when I moved to LA I fit right in.
Now, one of my biggest challenges is to ensure that I have enough protein and calcium in my diet. I haven't had red meat for nearly 13 years and all meat for almost 8 years (I stopped the day I took Luca home).
When I moved to LA I started to hear about the benefits of ingesting collagen. I ignored it, assuming that collagen was just intended to help with anti-aging and I'm only 28, hello. Okay fine, 28 is not considered so young in Beverly Hills...don't remind me. Anyway, I never gave collagen much thought until I was introduced to Vital Proteins. I started to research the benefits and it seemed as though it was designed just for me. The list included helping the digestive system by supporting hydrochloric acid and repairing the lining of the stomach, preventing aging by promoting moisture in the skin (in Beverly Hills I need this), strengthening hair and nails (which I obviously need from my lack of calcium) and leading to a more restorative sleep. After reading this list I would be foolish not to give it a try.
And so I have been including Vital Proteins in my smoothies and so far the effects have been great. It definitely takes some time but I notice my nails getting stronger and my stomach hasn't had any major issues lately (yes, I am aware the dry January plays a part). It's also a great way to add protein to the diet.
My favorite is the Collagen Beauty Greens. It has 70 calories, 10 grams of protein and 3 grams of sugar per serving. I thought I would share one of my favorite smoothie recipes (pictured above). It contains collagen, protein, potassium and antioxidants and is low in fat and sugar. I normally have it for breakfast or as a midmorning snack.
And so I have been including Vital Proteins in my smoothies and so far the effects have been great. It definitely takes some time but I notice my nails getting stronger and my stomach hasn't had any major issues lately (yes, I am aware the dry January plays a part). It's also a great way to add protein to the diet.
My favorite is the Collagen Beauty Greens. It has 70 calories, 10 grams of protein and 3 grams of sugar per serving. I thought I would share one of my favorite smoothie recipes (pictured above). It contains collagen, protein, potassium and antioxidants and is low in fat and sugar. I normally have it for breakfast or as a midmorning snack.
Ingredients (simply blend them together):
1/2 banana
1 cup of almond milk (I like the Almond Breeze Unsweetened Vanilla)
1 scoop of Vital Proteins Collagen Beauty Greens (it's a coconut vanilla flavor)
1 teaspoon of Matcha powder
1/2 teaspoon of maple syrup (optional)
I would love to know what you think! xox
This post is in collaboration with Vital Proteins. All opinions are my own.

5 Ways To Help Reduce Anxiety
I posted last week on Instagram that I was reading Living With Intent by Mallika Chopra. As I mentioned in that post (and in my New Year's Resolutions post), my goal this year is to meditate a few times a week. So far, 20 days in, I have been unsuccessful. I find a million excuses to delay the start of my practice and when I do sit down to meditate, I feel like a complete failure as all I can think about is my shopping cart, what to make for dinner and what is left on my to-do list. Meditation is simply not easy. It's ironic that what seems to be the easiest thing in the world to do (sit still and breathe) can actually be the hardest. And I know I am not alone in this. My goal this year remains to strengthen my meditation practice and to be patient with myself until I reach this goal. Nonetheless, I thought I would share a few other things that I do to stay calm, help reduce my anxiety and improve my mental well-being.
1. Take a bath. I try and take a bath every night, even if it is only for five minutes. Ray always makes fun of me for how short my baths are. But honestly, five minutes is sometimes enough. It allows me to switch gears, relax my body and prepare for bed. I ALWAYS sleep better after I take a bath. I usually light a candle (I love the lavender and stress relief candles from Bath & Body Works) and use bath salts (either the lavender ones from Target or Camille Beckman salts). I put on music (think either Spa music or Iron and Wine) and just zone out.
2. Take three breaths. I learnt this tactic in a training I did a few years ago. It sounds so simple "take three breaths" but it actually really works. If you ever feel overwhelmed, anxious, upset (and the list goes on) simply pause and take three breaths. This helps you center yourself and refocus. For me, it tends to remind myself that I am starting to feel anxious or overwhelmed and I need to take a step back, look at what is making me feel that way, and think of the bigger picture.
3. Have tea. This is a weird one, I know. But for some reason every time I make a cup of tea it relaxes me and calms me down. I often forget this and go weeks without having tea. But every time I start drinking it again it reminds me how beneficial it can be. I'm not sure if its the warm liquid or the feelings I associate with having a cup of tea, but whatever it is it definitely helps center me.
4. Go for a walk. I can't begin to tell you how important walks have been for me in dealing with anxiety. If you can't already tell, I have anxiety (I know, who doesn't). Sometimes its at bay and every now and then I get a huge flare up (usually around something stressful). My husband and I have always loved going on long walks at night with Luca. I can remember the specific incidences that have led to extreme anxiety over the past few years (law school, the bars, moving etc) and the walks we went on and conversations we had that helped me get through it. The fresh air, the time spent simply talking with no distractions and of course Luca's cute face help to relieve any anxiety I am having. We try and go on a nice walk every night. It is really is one of my favorite things to do together.
5. Go shopping. Kidding (not). Do what makes you happy. Mine happens to be shopping (window shopping, online shopping etc). Normally I just build my shopping cart and rarely actually check out. But this helps distract me for a while and by the time I start thinking about whatever was stressing me out, time has passed and I am able to think more rationally. The other day I woke up really homesick. Then I started to think about all of the things that were stressing me out. By the early afternoon I had worked myself up in a really bad mood. Ray asked me if I would go with him to Neiman Marcus and get a coffee and cookie (they have the best cookies). He said he really felt like it. Reluctantly I said sure. By the time we left Neiman Marcus, I was in an amazing mood. The atmosphere, the people, the cookie(!), helped me get my mind off of everything that was upsetting me. Also being able to walk five minutes to Neiman Marcus from our house made me WAY less homesick, haha. When we were walking out he admitted he really wanted to go there for me (what a sweetie).
I hope these tips help you when you are feeling anxious or stressed. If you have any other suggestions please let me know! xoxo
Photography by Felicia Lasala
Sweater by Double Trouble Gang
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